New Super Pac Ad Targets Rural Voters In Battleground States


Columbus, OH—Today,, a new grassroots Super PAC focused on engaging rural voters launched an ad, which will run on digital media initially, targeting rural voters in battleground states. The new ad, titled “Joe Biden has our back”, can be viewed here. It features testimony from Ohio farmer and Campaign Director John Russell and a soundtrack provided by Grammy nominated bluegrass musician Joe Troop.

In the ad, Russell states:

“Everything the media says about people like me would make you think that I’m a Donald Trump supporter. I like country music, I’m a farmer, and I grew up in Appalachia. But I’m not stupid. No politician, no matter how much money that they have is gonna tell me who to vote for. And if you’re from a small town, then you get it.

We think for ourselves and we take care of each other. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, a woman Black, White, gay, straight, an immigrant or 10th generation. We look after our neighbors because that is what the rural way of life is all about. And that’s something Donald Trump could learn from people like us.

Rural America has everything that we need to succeed. We just need leaders who have our backs.Leaders that fight for small business and small farms, and don't sell us out to corporate special interests. That's why I'm working to elect Joe Biden as our next president. He’s a leader, and he has our back.”

Recent polling by YouGov for The Economist suggests a bigger swing towards Joe Biden in rural America than in the suburbs. Trump held a 22-point advantage four years ago in rural places. Today that lead had been cut to just 14 points.

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