RuralVote Statement on First Republican Presidential Debate

“It was very clear that no one on that stage gives a crap about rural people.”

For Immediate Release
August 23, 2023
Media Contact: Matt Hildreth | 202.631.3417

The following is a statement from Matt Hildreth, Founder of Super PAC:

Last night, the Republican presidential candidates held their first debate - without their frontrunner, Donald Trump.

The one thing that didn’t surprise us was the lack of discussion about rural issues. The candidates never mentioned the word. Just a lame mention of “small town values” by Governor Burgum.

Meanwhile, rural hospitals are closing across the country as they all agree their goal is to further restrict abortion rights. Our democracy is endangered, but they spewed white nationalist rhetoric. Ohio’s recent vote on Issue 1 showed how resonant those issues are with voters across the state: urban, suburban, exurban, and, yes, rural.

The contrast with the Biden administration could not be more clear. Over the past 2 ½ years, we’ve seen the biggest investment in small towns and rural communities than we have in decades. All we hear from Republicans is how they want to cut back on those vital programs.

Republican presidential candidates stick with rural stereotypes and talking points. No agenda. No solutions. It was very clear that no one on that stage gives a crap about rural people. is a Super PAC from the creators of dedicated to supporting candidates working to increase good paying jobs, decrease daily expenses, and improve the quality of life in Rural America


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