Launches Independent Expenditure Ad Against Chuck Grassley in Iowa

Today, Super PAC launched its second video ad of 2022 in the Iowa Senate race between Democrat Mike Franken and incumbent Republican Chuck Grassley. The ad, which will air on streaming programs in rural Iowa, calls out Grassley’s long support for abortion bans, a particularly important issue for women in the state.

The United States Supreme Court found Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional in June. This was the culmination of a decades-long political agenda of Republican politicians like Chuck Grassley. One week before that heinous ruling, the Iowa Supreme Court overturned a 2018 decision that abortion is a fundamental right in the state. This was, as Chief Justice Christensen wrote in her dissent, was also a political decision engineered by Republican Governor Kim Reynolds.

Abortion bans are not popular in rural America as we saw in the August 2022 Kansas referendum. And, we also know from public opinion polling. In 2020, conducted a poll of rural voters in battleground states like Iowa, asking: “How Strongly do you agree with the following statement: Should Abortion be illegal? In Iowa, 51% of rural voters disagreed with that statement - 35% strongly. At the time, abortion rights were protected by the Iowa and United States Supreme Court. That is no longer the case because of right wing justices on those Courts.

The following is a statement from Matt Hildreth, Executive Director of RuralVote.Org PAC:

Chuck Grassley has been in politics for longer than most Iowans have been alive. And, throughout his career, he has worked to take away the rights of women to control their bodies. Now, that is happening thanks to U.S. Supreme Court Justices he worked to put on the bench. Grassley is out of touch and in the last few days of the 2022 campaign, we want to make sure young voters in rural Iowa understand just how dangerous he is.

The ad can be viewed here. is a Super PAC from the creators of dedicated to supporting candidates working to increase good paying jobs, decrease daily expenses, and improve the quality of life in Rural America


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